January 2024 - App Update #2

January 2024 - App Update #2

January 2024 - App Update #2

January 2024 - App Update #2

Improved Notifications:

Notifications now contain the profile picture of your chat partner!

Removing Profile Picture:

Now you can remove your profile picture, without having to a add a new one.
Wasn't possible before…

Improved Sharing:

When sharing images to NatiMate, your list of friends is now ordered by chat activity.

Origin or Location in a Map:

You can now display your origin or approximate location in your user profile.

Improved Notifications:

Notifications now contain the profile picture of your chat partner!

Removing Profile Picture:

Now you can remove your profile picture, without having to a add a new one.
Wasn't possible before…

Improved Sharing:

When sharing images to NatiMate, your list of friends is now ordered by chat activity.

Origin or Location in a Map:

You can now display your origin or approximate location in your user profile.

Improved Notifications:

Notifications now contain the profile picture of your chat partner!

Removing Profile Picture:

Now you can remove your profile picture, without having to a add a new one.
Wasn't possible before…

Improved Sharing:

When sharing images to NatiMate, your list of friends is now ordered by chat activity.

Origin or Location in a Map:

You can now display your origin or approximate location in your user profile.

Improved Notifications:

Notifications now contain the profile picture of your chat partner!

Removing Profile Picture:

Now you can remove your profile picture, without having to a add a new one.
Wasn't possible before…

Improved Sharing:

When sharing images to NatiMate, your list of friends is now ordered by chat activity.

Origin or Location in a Map:

You can now display your origin or approximate location in your user profile.

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